JUNE 29,2022


Today, we're going to be focused on a subject that undoubtedly affects the most of us: how to make our eyelashes appear longer and fuller when they aren't nearly as long or full as they once were!


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  • "Eyelash growth occurs in three stages: resting, shedding, and regrowth. These three phases are continuously cycled through by our lashes."

    • Molly

"After 250 hours of research and testing, including interviewing five baby wearing experts and walking over 100 miles in 15 wraps, slings, and meh dais, we think that the Gemlak Baby Carriers is the best"

  • Lily

5 tips for YOUR EYALESHES 

1 - Take Care with Eye Makeup Removal

 Make sure to carefully and without rubbing your eyes remove eye makeup. We need every single one of those priceless lashes, because rubbing might cause them to break or fall out. To gently remove eye makeup, I strongly suggest using a cleaning balm or micellar water. Put one cotton pad over each eye and leave the cotton pads there for 15 seconds after soaking two cotton pads in micellar water. Next, apply gentle pressure while wiping away your eye makeup. Fold the pads over and carefully wipe away any remaining eye makeup, including the brows.

2 - Nourish Those Lashes 

Castor oil, coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil can be used to hydrate and condition your lashes. Castor oil, according to what I'd heard, can actually promote eyelash and eyebrow growth. But I can assure you based on a personal test that this is not the case. It didn't work, at least not for me (Instead I suggest to try out Mayli Lash Serum which promotes and facilitates eyelash growth). Castor oil, as well as any of these other oils, can help hydrate your lashes, making them less brittle and less likely to break. Simple instructions include dipping a clean spoolie or disposable mascara wand into the liquid, wiping away any excess, closing your eyes, and sweeping the wand across your lashes while being careful not to get any into your eyes. It can be especially advantageous to do this at night before bed so the oil has a chance to fully absorb into the lashes. These oils have nourishing fatty acids that provide much-needed hydration and nutrients. Studies have revealed that coconut oil may reach the hair shaft, making it very useful. Do a patch test first, though, as some people may react to coconut or these other oils. To ensure you don't experience any sort of reaction, simply apply some oil to a cotton pad, place the cotton pad on the inside bend of your arm, cover it with a bandage, and leave on for 24 hours.

3 - Invest in an Eyelash Curler 

Our eyelashes can look much better when they are curled. Furthermore, there is a particular method for curling lashes that makes them appear even more lifted and curled. Lift your arm up while positioning the eyelash curler at the root of your lashes. More curl is produced by raising the arm higher. Following that, stairstep your way up the eyelashes, stopping every five seconds to hold them in place. Here is another method that can be helpful if using an eyelash curler is just too uncomfortable for you. Holding up your index finger horizontally along the lashes while the mascara is still wet after applying it, gently press the lashes back to provide extra curl and lift. After that, keep the lashes in place for 15 to 30 seconds.

4 - Try a Mascara Application Technique That Can Make a Difference

So let's now discuss how mascara is actually applied. Instead of pumping the wand out of the tube, twist it as you remove it, then wipe off any extra. Pumping the mascara speeds up the drying process and increases the chance of bacterial buildup. It's a good idea to mention at this point that you shouldn't keep your mascara for more than three months.

Start at the base of the lashes and wriggle the mascara wand up to the tips of the lashes to give your lashes a fanned, lifted appearance. After a little period of drying, but before they are completely dry, apply a second coat.

5 - Don’t Forget Those Bottom Lashes

The techniques for our top lashes are thus explained, nevertheless, what about our lower lashes? The area around the eyes is extended and seems larger when we apply at least a little mascara to the lower lashes. However, it might be difficult for many of us to apply mascara to the bottom lashes as opposed to the skin beneath them.

A mascara made especially for lower lashes can make a world of difference. Additionally, I am only aware of Clinique as a manufacturer of bottom lash-specific mascara. The wand's little size is what truly differentiates it.

I'm hoping that at least one of these methods will enable you to grow eyelashes that are longer and fuller, which will enhance your lovely eyes.

last but not least important TIP

I've tested a huge variety of mascaras, therefore I can confidently suggest Pro-Age Mäyli Volume Care Mascara. It immediately provides a flawless lash look and encourages natural lash development!

The Pro-Age Mäyli Volume Care Mascara has perfect wand and formula. Wand separates lashes to eliminate clumps. Lifts and thickens lashes while boosting growth. 

Apply it before going out and wait for compliments.

Kind regards,

Molly Hanssen (Fashion Blogger & Make-Up Artist)